Environmental Responsibility
Actualy, Madeiras Salamoni Ltda., have reforestation, becoming independent on raw material, besides keeping the forest preservation of araucaria, imbuias, canelas and other native essences, maintancing, one perfect ecosystem to give continuity to regional fauna and flora.
Our company have the cicle sinze the plant, growing, harvest until the industrialization of pine wood, transforming in products to forniture industry and civil building, having more than 80% of your production consumed by external Market, mainly in USA.
Respect to the enviroment, optimize raw material, make the employees, visitants and clients a good feeling, security and a great quality on our products to answer all the requests of our clientes, be all enterprise renewing constantly, bringing new Technologies and process who can maintain the competitiveness, performing the paper of one interprise compromissed with the society where it’s inside.